Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Great Big Welcome to "Behind-the-Scenes" @ Peppermint Toes

Welcome to the "Behind the Scenes" (BTS) section at Peppermint Toes. Most of the entries will be written by Janis, one of our "behind the scenes" team members, with an occasional appearance by Sarah and Elizabeth.

The BTS section of this blog is where you'll find assorted ramblings about the goings-on here at Peppermint Toes. Nothing in particular, just a bit of this and that. A quick trip through some of the things that it takes to make Peppermint Toes into a store where people will feel comfortable and unharried. A place to unwind, even if it's only for a moment.

Unpretentious and slow-paced, our store motto can be found in Philippians 2:3-11. We want every buyer to feel like they're more important than us. We are not a studio, in any sense of the word. We have no aspirations to anything that grand. We are a family of four, all very crafty in our own ways, coming together to make this a fun shopping experience for you. All of our work is done in the family room, where we house our personal library of more than 10,000 older books and many hundreds of old movies on DVD. We use the best materials available in our dolls, as much non-synthetic as possible, and always leave room for improvement. We have plans to continue making these dolls for as long as they bring joy to our family and yours.

Even if you never make a single purchase from our store, we welcome you back as often as you care to come. Enjoy our new offerings, and spend a moment of carefree browsing. Just look at those little faces. De-stressing. Always good for a smile. Share them with your family and friends, and thanks for visiting Peppermint Toes!

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