Monday, February 4, 2013

Peppermint Toes -- How We Named Our Etsy Store

What does "Peppermint Toes" mean? Nothing to the world, actually. It's just a great name for a store and reminds us of a most remarkable cat.

We had a very special rescue cat, and we named her Olivia Peppermint Toes. Sarah & Elizabeth thought that she had the funniest-looking cat feet. Kind of like Mentos candy with toes on the side, stuck to the bottoms of thin, stick-like legs. Our store was named in honour of our much-missed Mama Kitty, who left the cares of this world in January 2013.

Naming the store was a serious issue for us. In fact, naming things has always been a serious issue around our house. Growing up, The Girls had hundreds of stuffed animals, and each new addition had to have a name before going to bed for the night. If it was right enough for Adam in the Garden of Eden, The Girls figured it was serious stuff.

Boy, did we try some doozies for this store. Mostly boring names, or names which had already been used. After long hours of discussion, inanity ran unchecked. I know, right now you're thinking that Peppermint Toes probably came out of the bottom of the barrel. Nope. It was the only name that got a nod of the head from all three of us. And that's a rarity around here.

Philippians 2:3-11

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